Monday, January 25, 2010

A weekend come and gone

Somehow in my "imagined" timetable, I hadn't accounted for the princess ball and a one-year-old birthday party... both of which consumed the weekend. Chad did manage to sneak in a few hours to transport many of the house rubble piles out to the dumpster. Progress is slowing. We are at point "A" of cleaning the house out. Point "C" is where we begin putting the house back together, and point"B" seems to be a mystery. This week's goals are getting the replacement windows ordered, install the hearth and new fireplace insert, get the remaining flooring removed, and get a start on removing the wallpaper. Enjoy your week!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Dumpster Arrived Today

Thought that I would add a couple more updated photos. We were able to spend time over the weekend taking a "few" things apart. Perhaps from here on out we will be able to see improvement? The culligan guy that I had at the house laughed at me when I said we wanted to be moved in 3 months from now.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The New House Adventure has Begun!

We finally closed on the new home after six months of suspense. We have been staying at Chad's parents' since July. All the adult help with the kids has been wonderful, but the kid chaos is sometimes trying for all. Now we at least know where we will be putting down roots. We have just begun the demolition phase of the remodel. I will try to update pictures as I take them so that you can follow along. All the decisions and ordering has been mind-boggling but fun. It is the closest we will get to building a new house for a while. It is even a little more challenging because I have to figure out how to create a layout that will work for us around walls that already exist rather than just design them from scratch. Keep your eyes pealed as this home gets transformed over the next 3 months. Overall, we plan on a 5 year project, but the most dramatic changes will take shape soon. Josh has already mastered hammering holes in the walls... unfortunately he doesn't always target the walls marked for demolition. Wish us luck, and if you feel like playing in the dirt, dust, and paint, we'd love to have you!