Sunday, May 2, 2010

No more Studs?

Oh where does the time go? Soccer begins and house work slows to a crawl. I thought we had made little to no progress since the posting from three weeks ago... but after seeing the pictures... we have indeed been crawling in the right direction.

I only have one word to describe the last few weeks.... DRYWALL. I have a few four letter words that I could pair up with the term, but we will leave it at that.

We are STILL hanging drywall. Tearing out is so fun and quick, and hanging the new rock up is anything but. We have the main floor 90% hung. The upstairs is about 50%. We also have a few walls in the basement... which might need to wait until the next millenium, but we will keep them on the list.

Our sexy kitchen cabinet that took its good old time arriving is finally in place. The counter top gods came and templated for the counter. I will have to travel to Bridgeport this week to work out the details. Once the counter top is in place, the abode will almost look habitable. Funny how one item can make such a huge difference.

Jill stopped by and helped me battle the fish wallpaper in the bathroom. It is STILL not done. There have been a lot of helpers and man hours on that project. Those darn little fish are hanging on for dear life! Steam, fabric softener...and elbow grease... the buggers are fighting the removal...and every once in a while I swear I see a smile on their faces. Chad has reminded me several times that he LIKED the fish wallpaper.

Chad also put the wood floor down in the main floor bedroom. He did a cool striped pattern in the closet (getting creative with the left-overs). That is the last of the wood floor installation. Bring on the sanding and finishing!! I am super excited about this phase....because someone else is doing the labor!

Soon I hope to be inviting you all to a painting party with beer and bbq. (Beer to arrive towards the end of the work)... wouldn't want to leave any visible signs of the fun...

My most immediate goals are to finish the drywall and scrape the nicotine-stained popcorn ceiling from the upstairs area. I have been told by several people how simple a job it is. If I have learned anything during this remodel... it is that nothing is as easy as it seems.... so we will see.