Sunday, February 14, 2010

For all of you wanting a new post...

The last few days have brought blog followers asking for more pictures.... so... let me just explain that if I have not updated pictures... there is probably bad news...or no news. In this case, there has just been no progress to share. The house looks the same as it did two weeks ago. Life with 4 kids (and in-laws on a warm vacation) has left but a few hours a week for us to work.

We have been brainstorming ways to get a bit more work done.... so by the end of the week, I hope to send you some fun new pictures. I get super excited when we have some progress to show. As soon as I get back to the computer I will be sure to pass on the new views.

I love the location so much, and can't wait to get moved in... whenever that may be.

I can't say that no progress was made. I spent 6 hours at Lowes picking out lighting on Thursday and 4 hours at JoAnne's on Saturday trying to pick out a piece of fabric to base our paint colors around. Both of those have been marked off the list... sort of... Lowes called and said the ceiling fans are backordered until the end of March, and the kitchen and dining area lighting are no longer available... the joys of renovation planning. Almost all the interior materials have now been selected so it is just a matter of getting things put back together... somewhat of a mystery right now.

Standing in the living area looking out at the trees, snow, and peacefulness... makes all the work and craziness completely worth it...a view that we hope you can enjoy in person soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Marie and Chad,
    I finally made it to your blog and love the new house. It looks like a lot of work is being done over there.
